Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Mexican Hat Day

Last Sunday we packed up the fam after church and went to brunch at the local Irish place. That was where we made a new friend. When you have a new baby you are always making new friends. This new friend I'll call "big crazy Irish guy" or B-CIG for short.

When we met B-CIG he was wearing a huge black canvas hat like an austrialian sheep farmer. He inquiried as to our Irish heritage whilst busying himself by walking around another table arranging tiny sombrero's on the tops of sunkist orange's neatly placed on each person's plate in his party. According to B-CIG he was doing this in celebration of Sunday being Mexican hat day.

Who Knew?????? Kjrsten must have missed the holiday on the family's calendar! In celebration of Mexican hat day here is a picture of Grayson and me at his first Mexican restaurant. Since he is half Tendall I'm sure it won't be his last visit.

Update/Kenny Chesney

Kjrsten is feeling a little overwhelmed lately so I (Brad) have been assigned the task of maintaining the family Blog. I'll try to make the posts more hip and edgy.

For instance what could be more hip than Grayson meeting Kenny Chesney? Grayson is a little hard to see because of the camo but here's the picture to prove it:

Great Grandparents

Grayson is the first Great-Grandchild in both of our families!

Brotherly Love!

Judge nuzzles up to his kid brother for a quiet nap.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The most beautiful noise

This is my favorite noise on earth. I hope Whitney gets to come home soon to hear it!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

My little man and me

Grayson and Mommy!
Judge and two favorite boys.
This is Grayson's favorite aunt!

Daddy and Grayson taking a nap

We finally have entered the Blogging world...

This is to keep everyone updated on what our little family is up to. I am loving every minute of being a mommy. Grayson is getting cuter by the minute and his personality is starting to come out!