Thursday, April 24, 2008

You're Funny

Mr. Happy showcases his newest ability!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Godfather

The Tendall Family stopped by this weekend to enjoy the biblical-style thunderstorm, partake of grilled buffalo burgers, and Brad's famous espresso-brownies.
Gray is pictured above with "the Godfather".

Class Picture

Bear Cottage Picture Day
Class Pictures were last Thursday at the Young School.
Here is a picture of Gray with his classmates and Teachers Ms. Samantha (Left) and Ms. Erica (Right).

New Development!

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'....
On Tuesday April 15, 2008 Grayson rolled over!
In typical Hersey fashion he couldn't just stop at one and proceeded to roll over an impressive FIVE additional times.
In the picture seen above Grayson has just completed his first 360, from back to tummy to back. Way to go!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Super Toy!

We should all get to know EXER-SAUCER it's the complete package; part book, dragon puppett, insect, world map, building blocks, slot machine, and simon says.
But thats only the start, EXER-SAUCER also plays classical music and is fluent in Spanish. What does that mean to you and me? It means we will all soon be replaced by EXER-SAUCER.
Resistence is Futile.

Mr. Prep-y Pants

Prep-ster Trend Setter
It's hard to call it a new fashion craze when these pants were also "in" around 1955 but everyone has been asking so here they are.
We asked Grayson why he liked them and he told us it's because you can sleep in them and no one will be able to see the wrinkles. good point......


Blog Update:
For those of you who haven't already figured it out, Yes, Aunt Whitney did come home to see Baby Gray.
It seems like yesterday we were updating the blog everyday for the countdown. Of course, lately we haven't been keeping up. Kjrsten and I promise to be posting more regularly now that we've enjoyed some down time.
Thanks to everyone who visits.

The First Day of School

April 1, 2008
Grayson's first day of school
Grayson attends the Young School Early Education Program
and is a member of the "Bear Cottage".
According to Brad, Grayson was assigned to the "Bear Cottage"
because they recognized he is a hardcore baby.

Happy (Belated) Easter

Cousin Jason MacKenzie stands in for the Easter Bunny to deliver Happy Easter wishes to you and yours from the Hersey's!

A Baptism Party!

Grayson was baptised on the evening of March 22, 2008 so of course we threw a party!

The baptism took place at the chapel of All Hallows Episcopal Church in Davidsonville Maryland. The Easter Vigil service takes place at night so the party took place before hand.

Ryan and Whitney Tendall are Godparents to Grayson.

The Clare Family traveled all the way from Louisville, Kentucky to attend the event.

Grayson and his Grandparents.

Great Grandparents too!

When you're a legend of the grill a little rain won't stop you. Above, Brad powns the other white meat to the delight of all the party goers.