Thursday, May 29, 2008

Preppy Shoes Too!

Grayson is ready to spend the day at the Club now that his preppy outfit is complete with white penny loafers courtesy of Aunt Whitney.

Fun Frolic at the Dog Beach!

Last Friday Grayson visited Quiet Waters Park Dog Beach in Annapolis.

Along for the fun were Kjrsten, Grandma Susie, Big Brother Judge, and Ms. Ellie.

Kjrsten is seen above modeling Ralph Lauren, Juicy, and Baby Bjorn.

Grayson loves sporting his Baby Bjorn because it allows him to feel closer to his Norwegian Roots and always looks great soaked in drool.
Below, Ellie rescues a tennis ball from the turbulent waves. Not pictured is Judge rolling in sand or cowering in fear of the water.

Happy Birthday Aunt Whitney!

Dear Aunt Whitney,

I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday. I hope you have lots of fun!
Here is a picture of you and me on my birthday. I'm sorry I don't have a picture of you and me on your birthday but I hope you like this one just as well.

Birthdays are the best days!

Love Always,

Baby Grayson

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mr. Talented

This is Grayson's newest "talent". He knows it is a special ability and he does it all the time.

I encourage all of you to increase the realism of this experience and turn your speakers up as far as they will go, i'm afraid the audio may be a little faint.

Double your fun here:

Baby News Alert!

Grayson Hersey, seen above, is not just sleeping like a little angel but he is doing so on a regular basis.
The cause of this behavior; Baby Bear and a healthy dose of solid food at dinner time!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

My Two Best Puppy Friends

Seen here are: Big Brother Judge Hersey, Little Brother Grayson Hersey, Little Sister Elmore Tendall, and SuperToy.
Not seen here is Grayson pulling on Ellie's ears yesterday and her loving evey minute of it.

Bath Time Fun

Bath Time is special time.
You might think that special time would be diminished when your mother exhibits symptoms of OCD and makes you take a bath everyday even when the pediatrician said three times a week is fine and people at the time of Elizabeth the First only took a bath once a month.
You might think that but you'd be wrong. Understand? You're wrong. There. End of discussion. Grayson is seen here enjoying his mostly daily bath:
No he doesn't always wear his super-cute orange crab bathing suit in the tub, he only does this for the camera.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Silly Trick

Everyone keeps asking for more video and...well this is the best we could do.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Mulch, Booze-Cake, and a Spoiled Child

Noni and Pop Hersey came to visit Grayson today and while here accomplished more than most people could in weeks.

The Hersey's arrived bright and early at 7:20 a.m. and immediately sprang into action. Jeff edged flower beds, planted new flowers, and spread 5 yards (huge amount) of mulch over the property. In the mean time Linda gave Grayson a break from School, sewed buttons on various articles of clothing, and folded our laundry.

Noni also fed Grayson some more solid food:

However, the highlight of the day was "white trash cake". Linda got the recipe from a cook book she picked up in Georgia with an impoverished white woman in a tube top on the cover. Seen here:

White trash cake features neon pink and green colored cake , but the star of the show is the amazingly large amounts of Armenian Cognac (booze) that melts in your mind and mouth.

The White Trash Cake is seen here served in true white trash style complete with Kjrsten's trademark glass of wine with ice cubes. Eat your heart out Jamie Oliver.

Lake BayBay!

Grayson visits Lake Anna!

Grayson spent the first days of May at Aunt Jackie and Uncle John's Lake House.

He also made his first attempt at digesting solid food!