Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Operation Banana!

On the Attack:
The face of satisfaction:

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Winter Wonderland

Snow that sticks has finally come to Anne Arundel County. This was due in large part to Grayson wearing his PJ's inside out last night.
After winter's white blanket fell snugly around the homestead Grayson (below) was itching to make his first snowball. Apparently, he wasn't aware that snow is cold.


Some people enjoy taking a bite out of an apple or an orange.
Those people are addicted to sugar and have rotten teeth.
Healthy people eat raw Brussel Sprouts as seen above.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Haircut Adventure

Because looking this cute can be traumatic.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Make A Wish!

Grayson is presented with his cake watch him blow out the candles.

Note from Brad: This post is the first of what we hope to be a shift of the blog from mainly still photos to at least half video. This should also obviate the need for so many exlamation points. Special Thanks to Pop Hersey for the loan of his tricked out video camera that will allow us to make the shift. Enjoy!!!!!!!


Gray's Birthday Party featured a special visit from The Cat in the Hat. The Cat, seen above, reads a selection from the book of the same name.

Cake is tasty

Everyone loves a party hat!

Elmo is still waiting to get his nose back

Happy Birthday Grayson!

Grayson celebrated his first birthday with Mommy, Daddy, and a piece of chocolate cake bigger than him at the new Gordon Biersch in Annapolis.
Grayson even let Mommy and Daddy have some of his cake.

Move Over Hef!

Grayson channels his inner Hugh Heffner when hanging around the House in his new robe.

Merry Christmas!

Grayson Loved his First Christmas.....a little too much

One of his favorite parts of Christmas was the tree he pointed to it every night at dinner.

Christmas Eve was spent at the Tendall's.

Grayson is seen here with Aunt JaJa sporting his new 50's era Christmas pajamas.

Christmas Morning brought lots of great new toys including a new Horse.

We're Back

Buckle Your Chin Strap!

The Hersey's are back to Blogging after an extended Holiday Hiatus