Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Winter Wonderland

Snow that sticks has finally come to Anne Arundel County. This was due in large part to Grayson wearing his PJ's inside out last night.
After winter's white blanket fell snugly around the homestead Grayson (below) was itching to make his first snowball. Apparently, he wasn't aware that snow is cold.


Whitney Elizabeth said...

hahahahaha. this breaks my heart. he is such so cute when he puts his little lipper out though

Anonymous said...

Kjrsten, where are his gloves?

Unknown said...

Dad tortured the poor guy in the snow while mom was at work, but my first question was where were his gloves and boots?

Anonymous said...

What really stands out here is the complete stoicism of the dog when juxtaposed with to the emergent expression of cookie monster.

That my friends is what makes photography art.

I knew I was a genius. You sweat me.